We're Going on a Bear Hunt!

September 19, 2022

Our toddlers absolutely love the book “We’re Going On A Bear Hunt” as well as the song! So our educators thought it would be a great idea to go on our very own bear hunt!

Our extremely creative educators turned our classroom into a jungle! Our toddlers participated in a bear hunt which had them reading clues and following a map to find the bear cave! Our toddlers used their problem solving skills to find the bear. They hopped and jumped all around the rooms while using their binoculars, following the bear tracks and asking questions until they finally found the bear hiding in his cave!

This emergent activity is wonderful as it is completely based off the children’s interest, meaning the entire room of children were engaged in this hunt! This activity allowed our children to ask and answer open ended questions, explore the environment around them, read a map and learn how to follow cues and clues!

Popsickle sticks with bears and people on them Toddler using toilet paper rolls as binoculars The tiny toddlers daycare has been designed to look like a mini forrest

Getting Creative With The Outdoors!Nature Suncatchers!