Getting Creative With The Outdoors!

September 19, 2022

Painting doesn’t always need to involve paint brushes! Our preschoolers were very interested in painting using different materials, so our educators decided to take their kids outside and find things that can be used as a paint brush! Our preschoolers found many things!! Here you can see they loved using pinecones and pine needles to create some beautiful artwork!

Allowing children to use materials from our outdoor environment promotes fine motor skills, and sensory play as the children see how different textures other than a normal paintbrush, can create something so beautiful!

This nature activity is completely child-led as they are free to explore, experiment, play and create whatever they want! They are given the chance to immerse themselves in an activity that will produce only the results they want to see. Giving children a sense of autonomy is something we strongly believe will help them in life. Allowing them to use objects not for their normal purpose, allows children to be creative in their thoughts and actions daily as they learn that thing’s can be used for so many different purposes, not just intended ones!


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