There's No Place Like the Beach!

July 5, 2022

Our preschoolers are in love with the beach lately, and who can blame them! This time of year is perfect for beach days! We thought we could bring the beach to them! Our educators have planned a variety of beach themed activities for our preschoolers and they were a learning hit! From sensory exploding sandy tuff trays to fishy mathematical fun, our preschoolers have been completely engaged in these beachy activities!

Kids love playing at the beach. Most of beach play involves exploring and discovering and of course working on gross motor swimming skills! Our preschoolers are having so much fun exploring the objects while also working on their matching skills, math skills, literacy skills as they talk to each other about the different sea animals, and fine motor skills as they use tools to dig into sand!

When children are most interested in what they are doing, that’s when they are learning the most!

#EmergentCurriculum #TinyHoppers #KanataNorth #BeachDays #FeelingBeachy #Sand #Math #Literacy #FineMotor #Kanata #North #Counting #Shells #LearningThroughPlay #Beach #Sensory


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