Reading is Important!

March 23, 2021

March is Reading Month! A new study found that young children whose parents read to them five books a day enter kindergarten having heard about 1.4 MILLION more words than kids who were never read to. That is a lot of words and all before kindergarten. Reading to children at an early age promotes growth in areas of speech, listening, alphabetic knowledge and book enjoyment. All in all I think we can all agree, READING IS IMPORTANT!


Reading is how you learn about the world, explore through imagination, and develop your mind. The same goes for the young ones. Infant, toddler, ‘threenager’ you name it, they all grow each and every time you read a book to them!



It always grabs a babies attention when you are animated and smiling! Start there!

Hold them and let them know that reading time is a time they are held and loved.

Name animals and make the sounds they make. Let them lift the flaps and see what is hiding underneath.

Name a picture that they are pointing at, this gives the word’s meaning.

Repeat books that they like or show interest in.



Create a reading routine! This could be at bed time, after dinner, or even in the morning.

Choose books that help teach them social concepts. (eg. ‘No Biting’ ‘Everyone Poops’) Sing the alphabet song and point to letters.

Point out numbers and colours.

Let them turn the page (even if it is backwards).Allow them to choose the book, this shows repeated interest and promotes their love for books.


3 & Up:

Try out books that reflect your daily routine or situations at home. (eg. Llama Llama Misses Mama)Take a walk around your local library and see what they choose, follow their interest.

Emphasize rhyming words and words that begin with the same sound. Point out who the book was written by and who drew the pictures. (Author & Illustrator) Ask questions, let your child make predictions about what is going to happen next or what is happening on that page.

Point and read, this teaches children that you read from left to right.


To sum it up, reading stories with children has benefits for grown-ups, as well. The special time you spend reading together promotes bonding and helps to build your relationship with your child.


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