April 2024 - Celebrating Earth Day at Tiny Hoppers Richmond East

May 13, 2024

In anticipation of Earth Day, the classes at Tiny Hoppers Richmond East were exploring the many ways we can take care of our earth. Classes planted seeds, watered and cared for the garden, and learned more about our role as a community in caring for our planet.

Each class found a responsive way to build this curriculum into our evolving classroom learning. The Squirts classes became more familiar with gardening concepts such as how to get soil into pots, using magnifying glasses and spray bottles to understand how seeds grow, and explored different colours and sizes of flowers and their petals. With growing knowledge, the Tots classes explored ideas around litter in the ocean, garbage versus recycling items, and helped the neighbourhood by watering the plants in our community. The Tykes classes have begun taking responsibility for themselves by reducing their garbage consumption and ensuring the right materials end up in the recycling bins in our neighbourhood. They have also planted multiple different types of plants and flowers which will soon be added to our community gardens to support the health of the earth and the pollinators that live here.


Each class took visits into the community to continue their learning about plants, animals, and the health and safety of the earth. Together, children and teachers are continuously finding ways to respect our planet and ensure we are all building a healthy community for us to live and thrive!

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