There are many learning philosophies out there today. All you have to do is google search ‘daycares’ and your search will bring up a variety of daycares. But which one is best for your child? Tiny Hoppers prides itself in being an Emergent Curriculum daycare, utilizing a play-based approach to learning. While one philosophy cannot be judged in being superior to another, it’s more helpful to see what each philosophy promises and how it supports your learning goals for your child.
Emergent learning means educators spend a majority of their day multitasking (more than the usual type of multitasking you see in a daycare program). Teachers are eagerly listening and watching for learning cues and opportunities for extended learning. In emergent learning, the children are the researchers. They get to ask the ‘why’ questions and the teachers encourage ideas of the ‘how’. Providing activities and discussions to further the thoughts and ideas of the student body are key. These sessions show children that what they have to say matters. It encourages students to be proactive and engaged in their learning process.
So how does this benefit your child? Are they still getting opportunities for foundational curriculum concepts? Of course! Our program would not be complete without subjects like math, science, social studies, physical development etc. Our approach is just more personal and catered to each child in our program. We aim to make learning applicable to the interests of our students and allowing for independent thinkers to be developed and encouraged.
Your partner-in-learning,
Fiona Abbas-Lee