
March 1, 2023

Exposure to a variety of careers reinforces what children can learn about working, being a part of their community, and can positively influence their adult decisions when it comes to careers later on in life.

Our preschoolers are learning all about different types of occupations. From doctors to pilots, hair dressers to flower shop owners, postal workers to chefs and grocery store workers, they had a blast coming to work these past couple weeks! They enjoyed learning skills like counting and exchanging money, writing and delivering letters, shopping in our grocery store, wrapping up flowers for deliveries and doing each others hair! Giving children career related materials in a play based way gives them the opportunity to build team skills as well as respect for one another. They learn patience, time management skills, problem solving and communication skills.

Reflecting on Black History Month at Kanata NorthHappy St. Patrick’s Week from Tiny Hoppers Kanata North!