Reflecting on Black History Month at Kanata North

February 28, 2023

Children are never too young to learn about the beauty of humanity! Our preschoolers have been enjoying a history filled month, learning all about and celebrating the accomplishments and contributions African Americans have made throughout history.

Our children enjoyed creating traffic lights through art, as well as engaging in a traffic light themed sensory bin in recognition of one of the inventors, Garrett Morgan! They enjoyed creating diversity peace signs and coloring busses in honor of Rosa Parks. They practiced their fine motor and cognitive skills by building their very own rocket ships in honor of Mae Jemison, and loved being creative while cutting out and painting peanuts in honor of George Washington Carver!

“Through Black History, we learn so much about ourselves and our abilities to overcome challenges, big and small. We learn to reason and wonder about things morally. We also learn from the mistakes people made in the past and learn the importance of treating others with compassion. We learn to be givers and helpers”. –




Hoppy Valentine’s Day from Tiny Hoppers Kanata North!Occupations!