Tiny Bakers!

May 5, 2022

Our Tiny Tots have shown great interest in food and play cooking, so our educators thought that a great way to encourage this interest would be to bring in a real baking activity that the tots could do on their own! Our toddlers learned many different Math and Science skills by using measuring cups to make allergen free cookies! They loved taking turns working on their fine motor skills by mixing ingredients together. Allowing young children to explore “adult” activities gives them a sense of their world around them and how to use ingredients to make food! Of course the best part of this activity for the children was taste testing time! Our educators reflected that the bet part of this activity for them was watching how engaged the children were with this emergent baking activity.


#LittleBakers #Baking #Math #Science #Kanata #North #Childcare #TinyHoppers #Emergent #Curriculum #Sensory #Tasty #Kanata #North #Measuring #Interest #Engagement #Autonomy



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