Our Tiny Tots learners have been demonstrating the disposition of caring lately. They have been very interested in bathing babies, dressing them, feeding them, and putting them to bed. Our educators have carefully created a learning environment to encourage this type of play. Our educators have been modeling and providing open-ended materials to allow children to investigate and extend their play experiences. Tiny tots have learned from their wonderful role models their caring teachers how to care for their babies they have been doing an exceptional job demonstrating their empathy towards their babies by bottle feeding, bathing, dressing, and putting their babies to nap just like they do with love and care. Our toddlers continue to care for their babies throughout the day just like their teachers care for them.
It has been fun observing the children care for the babies with so much passion and empathy. When children are in a respectful and caring environment, they learn from the behavior they witness to also model that behavior which is evident in how they care for their babies. Thank you to our dedicated and exceptional educators for being excellent roles models to your Tiny Tots!
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