February is Caring and Sharing Month

March 17, 2023

February is caring and sharing month. During this month we talked about what love means and looking at how sharing is important. Every day there were many exciting fun filled activities for our Tiny Hoppers to do. Our activities featured shades of red, pink, and white. We used a variety of materials plastic rose petals, cups, glitter hearts, milk heart ice cubes, streamers, balloons, stickers, and paint to name a few. Our Tiny Hoppers definitely had a blast exploring various textures and materials all while showering friends and teachers with all the love in the world.

On Valentines Day all the Tiny Hoppers shared cards and treats with their friends and teachers to celebrate the special day by showing them love. It was amazing to see the beautiful smiles on their faces as they exchanged all the cards and treats. 

At Tiny Hoppers River Valley our teachers work hard to provide a safe, caring and loving environment to all the children so February is special to us as it is the month of love, caring and sharing! 


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Building !Caring Toddlers!