Our preschoolers explored Antarctica ! They learned about the Penguin habitat using loose part materials set on a the tough […]
The importance of sensory play in kid’s development has been proven for many years to help kids build their cognitive skills. There’s […]
Fine motor skills are the ability to make movements using the small muscles in our hands and wrists . We […]
Healthy eating can look different in every family and we know that nutrition affects the growth of a child, emotionally […]
Tiny Tykes ready with invitations of play for the little ones !
Constructing the letter ‘A’ using their bodies and building […]
Our Tiny Squirts enjoyed exploring the texture of pasta! As the explored this activity they were able able to use […]
Toddlers collecting eggs from the nest. (4.4 special exploration, exploring containment by putting objects in containers and by dumping them)-> […]
Our tiny squirts used their fine motor skills to try and put different coloured pom poms onto different spots on […]
Our Tiny Tykes used blocks to make the marks of the corn.