Why You Should Make Tiny Hoppers Your Ottawa Daycare

June 12, 2014

You want to place your child in an Ottawa daycare that will be safe, loving and fun. You also want to know your child has the opportunity to learn and be engaged in activities that will keep them thinking and assist them in their ever growing and ever changing development. At Tiny Hoppers their unique combination of fun, care and early learning has made them one of the most popular Ottawa daycare centres which has allowed them to expand their programs in order to keep up with demand. Here are just a few reasons you should consider Tiny Hoppers as your Ottawa daycare:

Certified Instructors

At Tiny Hoppers they have fully certified instructors with training to enhance literacy as well as encourage learning. The instructors are working in programs that are certified by the Ministry of Education, which means your child is not just being cared for in a loving and safe environment, but they are also learning. The programs were developed by owner/partner Theresa Balys Bertuzzi who is a certified primary teacher.


All of the instructors are either certified early childhood educators (ECE instructors) or are undergoing training to complete their certification. They are also fully trained in CPR first aid. You do not have about stranger danger with Tiny Hoppers as each employee must undergo a thorough and current police background check. Last but not least staff must also have a sincere passion for teaching and caring for children.

Engaging Environment

Tiny Hoppers provides an environment that is designed to stimulate children and enhance their education.They focus on keeping children engaged using games and activities that are educational by exploring a number of areas from parachute play to sports, dramatic play and science. Everything is designed to enhance the curriculum your child undergoes at school. Even preschool and toddler programs are certified by the Ministry of Education. They have programs for all ages including toddlers, preschoolers and school aged children.

Tiny Hoppers also has all kinds or programs and activities from birthday parties to Mother and Baby classes. The Tiny Hoppers’ expansion has allowed them to offer convenient locations throughout the Ottawa area. That means it is easy for you to drop your children off each morning and pick them up without going out of your way.

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