Worried about the frigid winter weather this year and how to bundle up your little one? Dressing your children up properly can seem like a daunting task. But whether you’re driving in the car, heading out to play, or even staying indoors, we’ve got you covered when it comes to dressing your children for winter. Read on to learn what will keep your infants warm, cozy and comfortable this season.
Out For A Walk
Even though the outdoor thermostat might make you want to do anything but go outside, getting some fresh air for both you and your children is important. Since infants lose heat more rapidly than adults, it’s important to bundle them up well when heading outside. A good rule of thumb is to give your children one extra layer than you would wear. So add on a sweater in addition to their winter jacket. Don’t forget to include a snug hat, warm boots, and mittens, too!
Driving In The Car
When placing your child in the car seat, anything that’s very bulky, such as a sleeping bag, should never be used as they can be a safety hazard. Instead of bulking up your baby, just dress them in a few thinner layers. Think of how uncomfortable you’d feel with a big, bulky coat on during a drive. So keep your children comfy and warm by sticking to more thin layers and add on a fleece blanket to tuck them in.
Dressing your children for winter can become a big ordeal when that first big snowfall arrives. When they’re eager to go play in the snow, the main factor when dressing them is to keep them dry. Using a waterproof snowsuit is helpful for this. Also, waterproof mittens and a hat are important. And don’t forget about the sunscreen and sunglasses to protect them from the glaring sun.
Even though the weather outside may be frightful, don’t go overboard when it comes to dressing your children indoors. Overheating can become a hazard if the temperature inside is pumping and they have several warm layers on. You can simply place your hand on your child’s tummy to feel whether they are too hot or too cold and then dress them accordingly.
When it comes to dressing your children for the winter, it can become a daunting and even complicated task – especially with extra-frigid temperatures outside. But always use the rule of thumb by adding an extra layer when heading outside. And to be safe, always carry some extra items like a blanket and mittens with you to keep them dry and cozy.