Keeping kids healthy during cold and flu season

October 22, 2019

Winter is fast approaching us and with that comes germs and contagious bugs. If you have your child in daycare then you are aware that at some point they will experience some type of sickness, and that is okay!

Here are some tips for you to keep your child as healthy as possible:

  1. Increase immunity boosting foods such as fruits, vegetables and iron rich foods like spinach, and beans.
  2.  Practice washing hands at home- we sing a song at daycare so that they’re engaged in the process. Another tip is to buy a clear soap dispenser and stick googly eyes or pom poms in them!
  3.  Understand the sick policy that the daycare has in place- this would be located in your parent handbook.
  4.  Washing blankets and teddy bears that are at the daycare regularly as well as their water bottles.

We have practices that we are expected to follow in terms of handwashing, cleaning surfaces and food safety. Our main concern is to ensure that the children are safe, healthy and happy.

These DIY immune system boosting vitamin C gummies will heal you back to good health!

Homemade Vitamin C Gummies


Fall is here, and so are the activities!What’s hoppin’ at Tiny Hoppers St. Albert South?