Tiny Hoppers Early Learning Willoughby Centre - Activity - Fine motor- Pom Pom


Tiny Hoppers Early Learning Willoughby Centre – Activity

Daycare Willoughby Langley, Free Play, Sensory Play, Fine Motor Skills

Our friends loved to play with our pom pom activity last time so we brought it out again and put some new tools in to explore pouring, filling, and transferring 🤍🌈

It introduces sizes, numbers, colors, fine motor skill, eye hand coordination and so much more. This simple set up can bring many meaningful conversation to it.

Tiny Hoppers Early Learning Willoughby Activity

Tiny Hoppers Early Learning Willoughby Activity

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Tiny Hoppers Early Learning Willoughby Centre – Activities – ConstructionTiny Hoppers Early Learning Willoughby Centre – Activities – Gross Motor