Endless Art Possibilities!


At Tiny Hoppers, we expose children to a variety of art experiences. Art isn’t just about using paper and paint. Art can be everywhere. We do not limit children in expressing themselves through art. The possibilities are endless!


Our Tiny Tykes get to have fun painting over or under saran wrap in this project. They found it really silly painting over their friends “faces” that they see through the plastic! (targeted skills: eye hand coordination, fine & gross motor skills, building friendships, social skills, creativity, imagination, colour recognition)

Exploring watercolour paint and ice – an amazing sensory experience for infants and toddlers! (targeted skills: eye hand coordination, colour recognition, sensory development, fine motor skills, creativity, imagination)

Drawing a road map to use for our cars (targeted skills: eye hand coordination, fine & gross motor skills, social skills, creativity, imagination, language development, team work)

Using contact paper to stick things on the “window” (targeted skills: eye hand coordination, colour recognition, spatial recognition, fine motor skills)

Drawing on the window itself! (targeted skills: spatial recognition, social skills, creativity, imagination, fine & gross motor skills, eye hand coordination)

Painting using a textured ball (targeted skills: sensory and tactile development, eye hand coordination, fine motor skills, colour recognition)


Blowing bubbles to paint! – super fun!!! (targeted skills: eye hand coordination, fine motor skills, colour recognition, creativity, imagination, cause & effect, scientific discoveries)

Painting on a giant piece of cardboard to build our own “house” ( (targeted skills: eye hand coordination, fine & gross motor skills, building friendships, social skills, creativity, imagination, colour recognition, team work)

Chalk drawings on our playground wall (targeted skills: eye hand coordination, fine & gross motor skills, social skills, colour recognition, creativity, imagination, spatial recognition)

Painting using a fork! Who would’ve thought? (targeted skills: eye hand coordination, fine motor skills, colour recognition, creativity, imagination)

Fusing art and literacy together by gluing yarn pieces on written letters (targeted skills: eye hand coordination, fine motor skills, social skills, colour recognition, creativity, imagination, literacy and language development)


Art doesn’t only foster creativity and imagination, it also helps develop essential fine/gross motor skills, social skills, spatial recognition, literacy, math, emotional skills, and the list goes on. When we worry about mess, we contribute to inhibiting potentials and developing these vital skills. The mess that art creates IS part of the process. Involving children in taking responsibility and accountability of their art/work space and cleaning up IS also part of the process. Understanding the time and space for when and where art projects are done IS part of the process.


Some helpful articles to read about art and its importance in early childhood education:





Summer Camp 2019 is here!Experiment: How Rain is Formed