Just because school is over for the summer doesn’t mean your kids need to take a break from learning. We have a number of great ideas that teachers and parents alike can use to give kids fun, exciting summertime learning experiences.
Writing Postcards
Give each of your children a stamped and addressed postcard so they can write about their summer adventures. Have them mail it to a friend or a relative. Have the recipient call the child back to talk about the activity or have them write back themselves. Offer feedback on the grammar and writing used and encourage the child to clarify parts of the story that might not be clear. This will help prepare your child for the reading and writing challenges awaiting them in the next grade.
Kids’ Blogs
Arrange for a safe, closed community so that your students can blog over the summer. There are a number of websites out there that offer children free blog spaces with strong security features. Keeping in touch with friends and teachers they might not see for a few months can be fun. This is another great way to encourage your kids to write!
Kids who participate in community service activities gain new skills, self-confidence, and self-esteem. They can also make new friends, young and old, and gain a sense of community they might not get otherwise. There should be volunteering opportunities for your child available at your nearest community centre. Don’t forget that kids are required to complete a certain number of volunteer hours in order to graduate high school in Ontario. One great resource is the Ontario Volunteer Centre Network for a volunteer opportunity near you.
Active Bodies, Active Minds
Your kids not only need to keep their minds active, they need to keep their bodies active as well. Kids need a recommended sixty minutes of active play every day. Take your kids to the park, or allow them to go with a larger group. Plan a few fun trips where your kids will have an outlet in order to have fun and stay fit. Soccer is an affordable sport to get your kids into, and programs are readily available in all communities. There was recently an online review of Mike Byster’s Brainetics.com which was well received. Keep their minds active, outside and moving!
Build Cool Things
Offer your children a few ideas of cool things to make over the summer. It could be anything from bracelets to model spaceships. It all depends on where your kids’ interests lie. Encourage your child to use things already available at home or outdoors in nature. Most projects can be done on a shoe-string budget. It’s more fun that way anyways!
Bonus: Partner Up!
How about doing some activities together! Adult colouring books have been trending of late. It’s an activity that can easily be done with children, teens and grown-ups. One great resource can be found here – free colouring pages which you can print off and draw together with your children — or even alone!
Summer should be relaxing, but it can be educational too with these kid-friendly activities.