As much as we love escaping our winter hibernation, spring can be a pretty unpredictable time of year. It seems like it can be freezing cold one day, bright and beautiful the next, and wet and miserable just 24 hours later. Fortunately, you can find something on the following list of kids’ activities to enjoy on an upcoming spring day no matter the weather:
Grow Plants Indoors
Growing plants indoors is a great way to teach your child about biology and gardening while also giving them a sense of responsibility. As they nurture and care for the plant, it grows before their eyes. You’ll want to choose seeds that grow quickly, like beans. Get your kid to help you as you place a scrunched up paper towel in a jar and drop in a bean seed. Place the jar on a sunny windowsill and get your child to spray it with water every day. Your child will be amazed as it germinates and begins to grow a stem and leaves. If your child loves it, consider moving to outdoor planting!
Dyed Easter Eggs
Egg shells have been decorated for thousands of years, and have become a big part of Easter celebrations. Hard boil a dozen eggs for at least ten minutes. Drain and run under cool water and then let them cool completely. Buy an egg decorating kid or use food colouring and water. Kids can let their imagination fly with designs and patterns. Display the eggs in a basket with straw for an extra seasonal touch.
Tulip Painting
This is a classic kids’ activity and is perfect for spring. Cut small potatoes in half and cut tulip-like edges into them. Your kids can then cover the flat side of the potato with paint and stamp onto paper. They can then paint stems, leaves, and whatever other decorative features they would like. Kids can use plenty of fun spring colours, painting white, pink, yellow, and orange tulips.
Paper Towel Butterflies
This project can be a little messy, so make sure you lay out a towel or vinyl table cloth. Use paintbrushes or droppers to drop watercolour paint onto sheets of paper towel. The paint will be absorbed into the towel and create a beautiful look. Let the towels dry (you can use a hairdryer to speed up the process). When the paper towels are dry, scrunch the middle together and wrap a coloured pipe cleaner around the centre to hold it in place. Your kids can fashion the antennas and glue on the googly eyes. Hang them on the fridge or suspend from the ceiling in your child’s bedroom or playroom.
Have fun with your kids this spring with these four great activities!