Gingerbread Playdough!

December 7, 2023

In the preschool class we’ve been having fun with playdough! The great thing about this playdough is that it smells like gingerbread cookies! The children have been having fun using cookie cutters and rollers to make all sorts of different things. They’ve made some delicious gingerbread cookies and some reindeer, snowmen, and hearts. To expand on this activity the teachers added some small loose part blocks to be used for anything the children can imagine! They used them to make faces, monsters, and towers with the playdough. With this activity the children used their fine motor skills, sensory skills, and their creative skills. This activity was so much fun!


#tinyhoppers #tinyhoppersbarrhaven #playdough #gingerbread #cookies #tinyhoppersdaycare

Halloween in Preschool!Gingerbread Wonderland!