Hanukkah Crafts 2020

December 15, 2020

Both the toddler and preschool classes celebrated Hanukkah this week with some dreidel crafts! Both rooms have talked with their children about Hanukkah and how some families celebrate Hanukkah and not Christmas and some that celebrate both!

The preschool children used their fine motor skills to hold the glue all of their own and choose which colours of tissue papers they wanted to decorate their dreidel with.

The toddler class used their fine motor skills and pincer grasp when holding the paintbrush to paint their dreidel.

#tinyhoppers #tinyhoppersbarrhaven #dreidel #hanukkah #celebration #artsandcrafts #painting #preschool #toddler #2020

Toddler painting with green paint Toddler having fun painting and focusing Toddler filling in an outline with green paint Toddler working on a dreidel art project Toddler with a dreidel image Toddler squirting paint into an outline of a dreidel Toddler working on a dreidel art project using white paint Toddler enjoying himself with a dreidel outline Toddler squirting white paint on a dreidel picture Toddler having fun

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