The Dirt on Mud Play

January 8, 2021
The dirt on mud play in early childhood education. It’s messy. It’s sticky. It’s grubby. It’s fun. It’s heathy. Wait… healthy?? Emerging research has shown how mud can actually keep our children healthier. Children who grow up in a sterile environment are at a greater risk of developing allergies and asthma due to the lack of exposure to certain viruses and bacteria. Mud contains bacteria and germs that through exposure, children create antibodies that increase their immunity. Thus, reducing the likelihood of developing cardiovascular inflammation and autoimmune diseases in adulthood.
Not only does mud increase immunity, a study based out of the UK ( reports mud contains “friendly bacteria” (mycobacterium vaccae) which triggers neurons in our brains to boost the production of serotonin, the brain chemical responsible for making us feel happy. In addition to this, since mud is outside, it is likely children will be playing with it in the sunshine – which exposes children to vitamin D, another proven source of good health and mental wellbeing.
Furthermore, mud is also an excellent learning tool for children. Playing with mud engages all senses, which stimulates their brain. Since this type of play is often unstructured, children are able to use their imaginations to create, explore and investigate. There is no limit to children’s creations, games and ideas which is providing essential brain development through means of critical thinking, problem solving, communication and experimentation.
In the famous words of Albert Einstein “play is the highest form of research” and mud allows children to research many things. This is why mud play is an essential part of the work we do as Early Childhood Educators. We understand that building a strong foundation for a journey of lifelong learning starts in the formative years. By being passionate about what we’re doing, and having fun, children develop a love for learning. And if that means getting a little messy along the way, we’re all for it.
Risky PlaySummerside Spirit Days