June 1, 2022


ACCESS TO CENTRE – we will be allowing parents to enter the centre as of June 6th/2022 for drop off and pickup – so no more curbside pickup!

You would have received information regarding the changes, but just a few reminders:

  • We will still be collecting the family screening questionnaire as we are still not out of the woods with Covid.
  • When possible, please limit the number of people entering the centre to the pickup person only.
  • Do not linger in the hallway so that other families can have access to their cubby.


Just a friendly reminder to hand the screening sheet directly to Taina/Caron/Laura as drop offs in the mornings are busy, it would help for us to not have to open your child’s bag for the screening sheet.

Please hand any diaper cream and sunscreen to Taina/Caron/Laura as we need to record the expiry date first.


Welcome June and the hot weather!

The infants are continuing to explore their environment (inside the classroom and outdoors), get to know the teachers and play alongside friends.

We have fun activities planned around summer time! (beaches, sand, weather and water)

  • The infants will make a special gift for father’s day – June 19


Hello toddler families!

We are so excited to welcome a new month. We have lots of fun sunny days coming.

We plan to explore oceans, weather, beaches, and birds this month!

Please make sure you send your little one with extra clothes and water shoes as we will be doing a lot more water play as it gets warmer!

Also remember to apply sunscreen in the morning and have a sun hat. We will also be celebrating our dad’s this month with a Father’s Day surprise!

  • Days celebrated in June: – Father’s Day June 19


June is here and it’s going to be busy as we say hello to the warmth and sun. It’s also a month we say goodbye to some friends who are moving on to new adventures. Kindergarten here they come!!

We will be hosting graduation ceremonies for the graduating children towards the end of the month. The two preschool classes will be doing them on different days. See below for dates. Please provide a men’s/women’s white dress shirt for your child to use as a graduationg gown.

  • Preschool 1: Thursday June 23rd 6:00-6:45 pm
  • Preschool 2 Friday June 24th 6:00-6:45 pm

(Please note that only parents and siblings of the graduating children can attend – cake will be served –  more information to come)

This time of the year is a great time to experiment, try new things, and discover the outdoors. We will be trying new stem activities and open ended play.

The children will be challenged and will get wet/messy. Please have extra clothes in their bag each day and please check their bag every night for wet clothes.

Special days to remember:

  • Popsicle Day: Wed June 15
  • Canada Day Celebration: Wed June 29