Learning about pets!

March 6, 2017


Oreo2 Oreo 1 IMG_4184This week is a very special week at Tiny Hoppers Kingston West! We are learning about taking care of pets. We are talking about feeding them, cleaning them, providing them with exercise and of course loving them! We are so lucky to have some pets coming to visit us too! Here are some friends caring for this pet bunny, Oreo!  Bringing pets into the class room teaches children about empathy for animals and people who are smaller then they are, also shows them that animals are not scary and need love just like everything else.   Also the children see the responsibility of having a pet and caring for the pet properly.  As all children love pets, a classroom visit allows for turn taking to touch the pet, it is a good chance to practice patience and commination through out the group while learning about our new friend.  Thanks for the visit Oreo!!

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