Numeracy fun in Preschool

November 18, 2018

Do you know how many blocks can your hands can hold?

Our preschool room does now! Our wonderful Educators noticed the children were very interested in blocks. So they decided to integrate blocks into more learning centres.

In the morning the Educators traced a variety of different sizes of hands then placed them on the table. The children then had a turn to see how many blocks would fit on to each hand.

Let’s examine how learning is happening in this activity using the ELECT document:

Social: 1.2 conflict resolution and social problem solving skills, 1.3 peer group entry skills, 1.4 helping skills, 1.5 interacting positively and respectfully, 1.6 cooperating, 1.9 interacting with adults

Emotional: 2.1 self- concept, 2.2 identity formation, 2.3 self-esteem, 2.5 regulating attention, emotions and behaviour, 2.5 positive attitude towards learning

Communication, Language and Literacy: 3.1 using verbal and non verbal communication, 3.2 using English and the child’s home language, 3.3 vocabulary, 3.4 conversing with peers and adults, 3.5 using descriptive language to explain, explore and extend

Cognition: 4.2 problem solving, 4.3 representation, 4.4 questioning, 4.7 reflecting and reaching conclusions, 4.8 communicating findings, 4.10 Classifying, 4.12 counting in a meaningful way, 4.13 determining quantity, 4.14 comparing quantities

Physical: 5.3 fine motor

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