5 Ways to Develop Your Child’s Creativity

May 24, 2019

Creativity isn’t just a matter of expanding your imagination. It also plays a vital role in helping both children and adults develop intellectually, boost self-esteem, and improve social skills – it can even teach us how to cope with stress.

Are you looking for ways to develop your child’s creativity? There are countless methods for encouraging your child to use their imagination while developing these critical skills that they’ll need as they continue to grow in life. Learn how to foster more creative thinking in your family by trying these tips below.


Provide A Space For Them to Create

Have a designated creative space that lets your child run wild with their imagination. This doesn’t have to be an elaborate setup. Just a simple desk in their room or a tiny corner of the den is all that’s needed to give them power and freedom over their creative time.


Choose Creative Toys

Instead of handing over your iPad to your child, offer them some simple games, toys or activities that will encourage them to tap into those creative thinking skills. Things like LEGO, finger painting, basic shapes and puzzles, and dress-up are all simple ways to let them have fun while keeping them engaged and learning.


Avoid Micro Managing

If you tend to over-parent your children, this can put a damper on their ability to foster their creative side. Kids are amazing at delving into a world full of make-belief once they have the space to play. And they can learn and discover a lot during playtime. So try to step back when they’re in the “creative zone.”


Schedule Free Time

One of the most important ways to develop your child’s creativity is by carving out time to let them have at it. When there’s such a busy schedule to keep up with, finding time can be challenging. But it’s important to squeeze in some so they can putter, play and have fun without a constant structured timetable.


Expose Them To More Creative Things

Whether it’s music, dance, art, theatre or something else, exposing your children to the world around them can works wonders for enhancing their creativity. Taking them to free family-friendly musical festivals, or to theatrical shows at the local library, or even to the park can awaken their senses and help them learn more about what they enjoy. This can even help them determine what creative paths they might want to pursue when they’re older.

At Tiny Hoppers, we’re an award-winning daycare that’s dedicated to providing a safe, comfortable and creative environment for children. All of our instructors are certified in their fields of expertise. We’ve also teamed up with leading educational experts to provide the best head start for your little ones.  To learn more about our daycare centres across Canada, get in touch today!

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