Caring for your own children can be challenging enough for parents, so what drives someone to decide to be a Tiny Hoppers franchisee? It can be a financially rewarding and emotionally fulfilling experience, but it also takes a lot of work and determination. There are several key indicators that you would be suited to taking on a full-time commitment as Tiny Hoppers franchisee.
You can pass the background check
This may seem like a simple one, but it could be a hurdle for some individuals. You must have a squeaky-clean background to obtain a license to open a child care facility, and you must be committed to finding equally tarnish-free workers who are trustworthy and responsible.
You have the experience
Experience and education are critically important. Have you previously served in a childcare role at another facility? Do you have a degree or certification in early childhood education? Do you have your CPR certification? These are all questions that your prospective customers (a.k.a “The Parents”) will want to know before they entrust their precious bundles to your care. Having references from your previous positions is always helpful to create an environment of openness and positivity at your place of business.
You can handle the parents
Few things can be more frustrating to a child care provider than parents with their (sometimes unreasonable) demands on nap times, play times and education. Having the patience needed to deal with parents can be a totally different from the patience needed to deal with a cranky toddler, and you will need both in spades. There is also the scary issue of liability. If something happens to a child while they are on the premises of your establishment, you need to be clear and confident on how to handle the issue. With kids, it is only a matter of time before something will happen.
You have a location and a plan
Do you want to run your child care center from your home, or did you have in mind to build, rent or purchase a separate location? Do you want to focus on all ages of children, or would you prefer to cater to babies or preschoolers? All of these questions are important as you’re determining which direction to take your business.
You have the business knowledge
A child care business has certain rules it must follow including such things as taxes, hiring, budgeting, long-term planning, and policies. We offer ongoing support to keep you on track in this regard. You have to have or learn the necessary organizational skills to manage operations.
For Canadians looking to franchise, please contact [email protected], while those in the United States and abroad can contact [email protected].