Preschoolers love taking photos!

December 12, 2022

The preschoolers right now are always trying to capture pictures of each other, or the educators. They use items in the classroom and pretend they are cameras and “snap away!” The educators decided to take down this observation and put out some actual toy cameras and different photo papers, mirrors and even actual pictures of the children in the class. The children took turns using the cameras pretending to take photos of the images and then were using the camera to “take pictures of friends”. Some children were looking at themselves in the mirrors which was funny to watch. Another addition to this activity could have been for the educators to bring in some disposable cameras and have the real photos the children take, developed and see what comes out of them! Haha what fun! 🙂

#preschool #cameras #tinyhoppers #tinyhoppersbarrhaven #december #2022 #photos #socialactivity #emergentcurriculum

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