Orange T-Shirt Day!

June 16, 2021

Today both the toddlers and preschoolers wore orange t-shirts in support of Every Child Matters! Each room also made little orange t-shirts and the children got to decorate their own 🙂 This is a great activity because the children were able to choose what they wanted to put on their own shirt and practice their fine motor skills using crayons, markers and stickers. This was also a great learning opportunity for the children to learn that every child matters and to always be kind to our friends, help our friends and be inclusive of everyone!

#tinyhoppersbarrhaven #tinyhoppers #preschool #barrhaven #2021 #orangetshirtday #orangeday #tshirts #daycare #learning #finemotor

Toddler touching an every child matters shirt Toddler with an orange shirt Toddler putting their hands on an orange shirt Toddler holding a utencil over an orange shirt Toddler looking at a piece of paper Toddler placing stickers on an orange shirt Toddler taking a sticker off a sheet Kid drawing on an orange shirt Toddler placing a few stickers on an orange shirt Toddler starring at an orange shirt Toddler about to draw on an orange shirt Table full of sticker sheets

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